Okay I haven't felt much like blogging lately but not sure if anyone actually reads them anyway so then ya have to wonder why on earth am I writing into the great beyond anyway? I'll just say I felt like chatting and had no one to chat with - sure that works for me.
Today started out so beautifully too, the sun was out and it was warming up beautifully. the leaves are sprouting on the trees and it just feels like maybe just maybe we are possibly done with winter. I won't say for sure cause after all this is Canada and anything can happen here weather wise.
Had a nice visit with my mom this morning even if it was short as I had to workout with my sister at the gym. Got a nice workout in too. Worked on the treadmill for 13 minutes and then did some resistance band workout for the arms and then right into the abs and then we ran out of time.
I am now having to keep track of everything I am doing as I joined a free 12 week weight loss action plan through the Heart and Stroke Foundation. If you are interested you can check it out for yourself here
I just started myself so it will be interesting to remember to keep tract of all my exercise (well that part won't be hard lol), water intake and food intake and then I will have to submit for feedback from them that will help me successfully meet my weight loss goals. I just have to remember to fill it all out hahahaha.
I am hoping to actually lose some weight this time around as I have not been losing any weight since the first month of starting my workouts. So frustrating so I know that I have to be doing something wrong. This month I am hoping to workout more and really pay attention to what I am consuming so that I can lose a bit more weight before the summer assembly. My goal was to be a size 12 - not sure if I will make that goal by next month but I certainly want to be more determined to do so.
Any encouragement and tips would be greatly appreciated.