Thursday, January 21, 2010

aïe, au, пряжка, ouch

Ouch is somewhat of a universal word, lol, which does not change for Spanish and Italian. However pain is pain if you ask me no matter what language it is in.

Today I am feeling my workout so much more lol. Sadly last week I missed my workouts due to babysitting, so making up for it this week lol.

Today I did 1 round on the circuit, went right into buns and guns (lunges with weights, squats with bicep curls, and plank, kiss knee to floor), from there I did part of a ball workout with weights, then onto the elliptical, bike and then 1 round on the circuit again. I most want to work on my lower abs where I am not feeling it so much. Need to find a good workout that works that area.

However for now - I am just going to relax and enjoy my pain. Okay not so much enjoy as live with lol. Stay positive. and in the words of a friend, I think I can lol - okay I know I can.

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